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Email to County Executive Bruce Blakeman (, Presiding Officer of the County Legislature Howard Kopel (, Clerk of the Legislature Michael Pulitzer (, and copy the NYS Gaming Commission (
Visit our Contact Our Elected Officials page for contact information for other elected officials who will decide the fate of the casino.
Dear [Elected Official]
I live in [YOUR TOWN] and I am opposed to a casino at the 72-acre Nassau Hub property. The overwhelmingly negative environmental, societal, economic and financial impacts are impossible to mitigate. This proposal should be cancelled.
The casino is expecting 23,000 visitors per day and more on the weekends. Most of them will arrive by car and by bus. The resulting traffic and air pollution levels cannot be mitigated. The New York Department of Environmental Conservation has already identified surrounding residential communities as disproportionately affected by air pollution.
Our sole source aquifer is contaminated, and our supply of water is limited. We do not have almost a million gallons per day for a casino. In addition, we cannot risk spreading plumes of contaminants in our aquifer through excessive pumping.
Development is coming to the Hub. NYU Langone wants to build a $3 billion hospital and healthcare center on Nassau Community College land. I am in favor of a project like this: one with a lighter environmental footprint. I am in favor of a project that will bring varied employment opportunities and many high paying career jobs. I am in favor of a project that lifts up our communities - - not a casino that will surely degrade our environment, our people, our families, our communities, our downtown businesses and our county economy.
I urge you to protect our county’s future and your legacy by voting to stop this ill-conceived project, and to take a leadership role in bringing development to The Hub that you and county residents can truly be proud of.